Storms can leave property owners with significant damage to property or risk personal safety. Lifestyle Tree Services has a professional team of certified arborists with extensive experience in storm damage work. Our team will remove all damaged vegetation safely and efficiently.
Damaged Trees
Trees that have broken, defoliated or otherwise been impacted by storms can be treated by a certified arborist using correct pruning techniques. Major limbs that have faults, are damaged, or are dead will need to be removed as they can pose a significant danger. Severely impacted trees will need to be cut down and removed. Call us and have our certified arborist come to assess the vegetation and provide the advice you need.
Exposed Roots
If the storm has exposed the roots or caused the roots to lift out of the soil, then the tree poses a significant risk and must be assessed by a certified arborist to check for possible tree removal.
Dangerous Trees
Storms can cause a lot of damage to trees, and the trees can become dangerous. Leaning trees and exposing roots in trees will, in most cases, need to be removed. Do not try to remove the tree yourself, as it is hazardous—our team always works under a high safety standard.
Tree Remedial
Heavy rain, hail and wind can break limbs, damage foliage and disturb soil around the tree's base. Damaged or dead branches should be removed soon after a storm to allow the tree time to recover and reduce the risk of major failures, which can cause property damage or injure persons. If this is attended to and managed, it will prevent any costs to correct after failure.
Insurance Claims: Trees
When property damage from a storm is due to fallen trees, branches, or debris, you must lodge a claim with your insurance company. Ensure you understand what is covered, as you must do so to avoid incurring out-of-pocket expenses. Provide your quote to your insurance company, and we will attend as soon as possible to remove the fallen vegetation and make your property safe.
Do not attempt to remove the fallen tree, branches and debris by yourself.
Risk Assessments: Storm
We recommend you have your trees assessed for any potential damage that could occur during the storm season. Call us and arrange to have our certified arborist check your tree for any potential risks that could endanger yourself or your property.
Call us today to arrange a free quote at 0406812352